Friday, 2 October 2015

Android Multiple Choice Questions

Q.1- Which are the screen sizes in andriod?
A) small
B) normal
C) large
D) all of the above
Ans: D
Q.2- Which are the screen density in andriod?
A) low density
B) medium density
C) extra density
D) all of the above
Ans: D
Q.3- Which of the following should be used to save the unsaved data and release resource being used by and android application?
A) Activity.onStop()
B) Activity.onPause()
C) Activity.onDestroy()
D) Activity.onShutDown()
Ans: C
Q.4- Parent class of activity?
A ) object
B ) context
C ) activityGroup
D ) contextThemeWrapper
Answer : D
Q.5- Which of the important device characteristics that you should consider as you design and develop your application?
A ) screen size and density
B ) input configurations
C ) device features
D ) all the above
Answer : D
Q.6- Which component is not activated by an Intent?
A ) activity
B ) services
C ) contentProvider
D ) broadcastReceiver
Answer : C
Q.7- Which of the following are valid features that you can request using requestWindowFeature?
D ) Both a& c
Answer : D
Q.8- Which of the following are UI elements that you can use in a window in an Android application?
A ) TextBox
B ) TextView
C ) EditText
D ) Both b&c
Answer : D
Q.9- Parent class of Service?
A ) Object
B ) Context
C ) ContextWrapper
D ) ContextThemeWrapper
Answer : C
Q.10- Which of the following can be used to bind data from an SQL database to a ListView in an Android application?
A ) SimpleCursor
B ) SimpleCursorAdapter
C ) SimpleAdapter
D ) SQLiteCursor
Answer : B
Q.11- What is the difference between Activity context and Application Context?
A ) The Activity instance is tied to the lifecycle of an Activity. while the application instance is tied to the lifecycle of the application,
B ) The Activity instance is tied to the lifecycle of the application, while the application instance is tied to the lifecycle of an Activity.
C ) The Activity instance is tied to the lifecycle of the Activity, while the application instance is tied to the lifecycle of an application.
D ) none of the above
Answer : A
Q.12- Which one is NOT related to fragment class?
A ) dialogFragment
B ) listFragment
C ) preferenceFragment
D ) cursorFragment
Answer : D
Q.13- Which of the following are not a component of an APK file?
A)Dalvik executable
B)Native Libraries
D)All of these are components of the APK
Answer : D
Q.14- can you update resource for your project?
Answer : B

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